How to Feel More Alert During the Day

Are you tired of feeling groggy, exhausted, and drained as you go about your daily activities? You can feel exhausted for many reasons, but a lack of alertness can affect your physical and mental health, not to mention your productivity. 

Here are a few approaches to help you feel more alert during the day.

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Landen Stacy
Gym Equipment You Need in Your Home

Engaging in regular physical activity is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy and fit. Hitting a public gym every day isn’t practical for everyone though. Some do better in the convenience and privacy of a home gym. 

If you’re setting up a home gym, some pieces of equipment are especially beneficial.

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Landen Stacy
Why You Might Be Feeling Tired All the Time

Do you have unexplained exhaustion that you can’t seem to fight off? Feeling tired can happen for many reasons other than not getting enough sleep, and you might not be treating your body for the right issues. 

Here are a few reasons why you might be feeling tired all the time. 

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Landen Stacy
How to Prevent Osteoporosis as You Get Older

As we age, our bones become more brittle and susceptible to fractures. This is because the bone tissue weakens and thins over time. One of the most common health problems faced by seniors is osteoporosis – a condition that causes bones to become thin, fragile, and more likely to break. Here are a few things that you can do to prevent osteoporosis as you get older.

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Landen Stacy
Yoga Poses to Try Up Against the Wall

If you're looking to add some variety to your yoga practice, try incorporating some wall-supported poses into your routine. These poses can be particularly helpful for beginners, as they provide additional support and can help with balance and alignment.

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Landen Stacy
4 Yogic Tips to Make your New Year's Resolutions Stick

If you're like many people, you may have made a list of goals for the new year, only to find that it's difficult to stay motivated and on track. The good news is that by incorporating some of the wisdom of yoga into your resolution-making process, you can increase your chances of success.

In this blog, we'll be sharing four yogic tips that may help you stick to your resolutions and achieve your goals. From setting a clear intention to practicing self-compassion and finding support, these tips can help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards your aspirations.

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Landen Stacy
How to Get Out of a Stale Exercise Routine

Are you bored with your current exercise routine? Are you feeling like you're stuck in a rut and can't seem to get out of it? You're not alone. A lot of people find themselves in this situation, but it's easy to fix. Here are a few tips that will help you get out of your stale exercise routine and back on track to a healthy and fit lifestyle!

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Landen Stacy
How to Work Out When You Feel Self-Conscious

Pretty much everyone knows that working out and being physically active is good for you. Actually working out, however, is often easier said than done. That is especially true if you’re prone to feeling self-conscious about working out. You still want the benefits of working out, so what are some ways to work around that?

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Landen Stacy
When You Should Focus More on Light Exercise

To maintain good health, it is important to engage in physical activity regularly. But not everyone has the time or energy to engage in vigorous exercise every day. For those people, light exercise may be a better option. Here are three times when you should focus more on light exercise instead of vigorous exercise.

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Landen Stacy
Aspects of Your Health to Worry About As You Get Older

Have you ever wondered how you can prevent health issues as you age? Often, people realize that they need to live a healthy, active lifestyle to prevent serious issues such as heart disease and strokes, but there are other debilitating health issues that you can still develop. Here are a few aspects of your health to worry about as you get older.

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Landen Stacy
How to Get Through Each Day With Crippling Anxiety

When you have anxiety, facing each day can be a challenge. You might feel like hiding yourself away to avoid fear and stress. But you still need to work, and you want to spend time with those you care about. While each person's experience is unique, there are some measures you can take to understand and manage your anxiety.

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Landen Stacy
The Hardest Parts About Staying Consistent With Yoga

A consistent yoga practice can help you to feel better and build a stronger connection between your body and mind. But it can be hard to stay consistent, especially with all the things life can throw your way. If you are hoping to make a yoga practice a part of your life, it helps to have an idea of the obstacles that might get in your way.

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Landen Stacy
Healthy Snacks That Will Keep You from Going Hungry

Some people seem to get by just fine on three meals a day without any snacks. That doesn’t work for everyone though. Some of us need to snack or risk compromising our ability to function normally. If that sounds like you, you need healthy snacks that will keep you going strong throughout the day. So what are some things you should be reaching for?

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Landen Stacy
How to Make Yoga More Enjoyable

If you want to make yoga a part of your life, but you don’t always enjoy the experience, you can feel frustrated and confused. But you don’t have to deal with a yoga practice you don’t even enjoy. Instead, you can work to curate a more enjoyable experience by making small changes to the way you see and enjoy the world around you.

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Landen Stacy
What Natural Approaches to Treating Pain Have to Offer

When you are dealing with pain for any reason, all you want is to find a way to make it stop. Sometimes western medicine doesn’t offer you the solution you need for the pain you are experiencing. Natural approaches can often offer you more options that have a better impact on your health outcomes in general.

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Landen Stacy
The Best Times to Take Up Yoga

No matter what your age or fitness level, you can benefit from taking up yoga. Nearly all poses can be modified to adapt to your abilities. And, as you gain strength and balance, you can gradually challenge yourself. If you're thinking of trying yoga, here are some of the best times to start.

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Landen Stacy
Exercises That Go Easy on Your Joints

If you have joint pain, either from a previous injury or arthritis, you may feel discouraged about exercising. Many exercises put strain on the joints, especially large joints like knees, hips, and shoulders. In that case, you need to find low-impact exercises that will give your body a workout but also go easy on your joints.

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Landen Stacy