Why You Might Be Feeling Tired All the Time

Do you have unexplained exhaustion that you can’t seem to fight off? Feeling tired can happen for many reasons other than not getting enough sleep, and you might not be treating your body for the right issues. 

Here are a few reasons why you might be feeling tired all the time. 

You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep

One of the most common reasons why you might be feeling tired all the time is that you’re not getting enough sleep each night. Depending on your age, physical activity, and stage of life, you’ll need different amounts of sleep throughout your life. When you’re younger, you might be able to function normally with 6-7 hours of sleep each night, but as you get older, you might need more sleep, such as 8-10 hours. 

If you suspect that you’re not getting enough good sleep, try to implement routines that will help you to sleep better. For example, go to bed earlier and stop your screen time usage a few hours before bed. Make sure that you eat and drink early enough so your body isn’t keeping you up while it is digesting food. These habits can help you to get more restful sleep, but you should also make sure you’re scheduling enough time to get the hours of sleep you need. 

You’re Dehydrated

Another reason why you might be feeling tired all the time is that you might be dehydrated. Even though drinking water every day might not be one of your biggest priorities, it can affect your body in many ways. 

Drinking enough water can help your digestive system to function properly. Drinking water helps cleanse your teeth of harmful bacteria and food particles. Being sufficiently hydrated also helps you to get restful, rejuvenating sleep, which will help you to feel more energized throughout the day. If you’re experiencing unexplainable exhaustion, try drinking more water!

You’re Having Mental Health Issues

Sometimes, experiencing mental health challenges can cause you to feel overly exhausted. Not only can mental health issues cause you to feel unmotivated, but they might also affect your physical energy levels, making you feel tired more often than usual. You don’t even have to experience a long-term, diagnosed mental illness to be physically affected by your mental health. A short-term mental health episode could also leave you feeling drained and tired. For example, if you’re feeling more stressed and anxious than usual, your mind might be running constantly, making you feel more tired. If you’re feeling depressed and burnt out, you might feel exhausted for entirely different reasons. If you think you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, meeting with a therapist or mental health counselor can help you significantly.

So, if you feel tired more than you think you should remember these possible causes. You might not be getting enough sleep, you might be dehydrated, or you might be experiencing mental health issues that haven’t been treated. Remember, these causes don’t encompass all of the reasons why you might feel tired, but they can definitely factor into your low energy levels

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Landen Stacy