Yoga Poses to Try Up Against the Wall

If you're looking to add some variety to your yoga practice, try incorporating some wall-supported poses into your routine. These poses can be particularly helpful for beginners, as they provide additional support and can help with balance and alignment.

Here are some yoga poses to try up against a wall:

  1. Downward-Facing Dog: Place your hands on the wall and step back, creating an inverted V shape with your body. Keep your feet hip-width apart and press through your hands and heels to lift your hips up and back.

  2. Supported Forward Fold: Stand facing the wall with your feet hip-width apart. Place your hands on the wall and walk them down until your torso is parallel to the ground. Keep your knees bent and let your head and arms hang heavy.

  3. Supported Triangle: Stand facing the wall with your feet about three feet apart. Place your right hand on the wall and extend your left arm up, reaching for the ceiling. Keep your feet grounded and your hips squared as you lengthen through your side body.

  4. Supported Warrior II: Step your left foot back and place your left hand on the wall. Turn your right foot out and bend your right knee, creating a lunge position. Raise your arms up to shoulder height, keeping your shoulders down and your chest open.

  5. Supported Bridge: Lie on your back with your feet up against the wall and your knees bent. Lift your hips up and press your arms into the ground for support.

Remember to listen to your body and only go as far as feels comfortable. You can always use a block or a blanket for added support if needed. Have fun exploring these poses and see how they enhance your practice!

Landen Stacy