How to Build a Nutrient-Rich Diet into Your Life

There are a plethora of different diets claiming to be the best. With all of this different information being advertised, it can be difficult to know how and what you should really be eating. The most important thing to remember, no matter what diet you do or do not follow, is that you need a nutrient-rich diet. Here are a few ways to build one!

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Landen Stacy
Important Ways You Can Take Care of Yourself Every Day

It is easy to get so busy with the daily grind that you forget what is most important: Self-care. Self-care is vital because it allows you to keep your energy, focus, and motivation up so that you can do everything else. As important as the many people in your life are, you should never forget yourself. You need to care for your body, mind, and spirit or you risk facing burn-out, anxiety, depression, and a compromised immune system. Taking care of yourself isn’t rocket science. It is simple, but it does take dedication and commitment.

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Landen Stacy
How Yoga Can Help Reduce Your Anxiety and Depression

The world that we live in is an incredibly stress inducing world, one where we are constantly bombarded with new stimuli, constantly moving at top speed, and working hard, pushing ourselves to the limit. This can lead just about anyone into anxiety, depression, burnout, and an overall decrease in personal health and wellness. To combat these forces pushing us towards anxiety and depression, we must act. Yoga is one of the best things we can do to support mindfulness and reduce stress and anxiety. Here are three ways that yoga can reduce your anxiety and depression and help you lead a better life.

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Landen Stacy
Aspects of Your Health You Should Focus More Attention On

Taking care of your health is an important part of living a full life, but it can be difficult to know what elements of your health you need to pay closest attention to. Figuring out the balance of your health is a lifelong journey that will likely experience changes as you learn and grow. It’s important to give your health the attention it deserves so you can be as active and invested in your life as you want to be.

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Landen Stacy
How to Feel More Confident When You Go Out in Public

Confidence isn’t something that most people are inherently born with. It is something that most people have to develop, grow, and maintain. Seeking to develop greater confidence in yourself—especially within your social spheres—is critical for your overall well-being and outward success. After all, if you have confidence in yourself, you will be more likely to attract good people and opportunities, as well as take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. Here are three tips and tricks to feeling more confident in your day-to-day life.

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Landen Stacy
Factors That Might Affect Your Energy Throughout the Day

The three o’clock slump is real. You feel mentally drained and physically tired, and you just don’t want to move, let alone do something productive. This feeling could be your body trying to tell you something—you need to make positive changes in your daily routine to maintain your energy throughout the day.

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Landen Stacy
How Your Diet Affects Every Aspect of Your Health

Planning your diet can be confusing. Every day, you hear some news about some food or nutrient that you should be consuming or avoiding. Instead, try viewing your diet holistically and choose a variety of foods that benefit your whole self, physically and mentally. What you eat affects every aspect of your health.

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Landen Stacy
Activities That Will Help You Feel Like Yourself Again

Life is full of stress, mental illness, physical injury, and many other factors that can get you down from time to time. These stressors sometimes resolve themselves quickly, but occasionally it can feel as though you are stuck with no escape. When you don’t feel like yourself, it is incredibly difficult to stay motivated in your job, relationships, and health. Finding ways to feel like yourself again are essential for you to return to your life.

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Landen Stacy
What to Keep in Mind When Starting a Fitness Routine

There are a few things as exciting as starting a brand-new fitness routine. Starting a fitness routine can be a great way to boost your mental, physical and spiritual well-being all while boosting your confidence. But while starting a new fitness routine can be an exciting and challenging new time it can also be very can’t be very difficult to set up and maintain especially at the beginning here are a few things for you to keep in mind when starting a fitness routine to help you stay on track and make the changes you want to see.

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Landen Stacy
How to Get Rid of Your Constant Headaches

An occasional headache is a major pain, literally, but it is something that everyone deals with from time to time. If you are having headaches all the time, however, you need to do something more to feel better and have the ability to focus on your work and your life. A bad headache can be debilitating, but there are ways to get rid of them that may work for you. Here are a few things to focus on!

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Landen Stacy
Activities That May Help You Improve Your Mental Health in the New Year

New Year, new you. The beginning of a new year is always a great time of reflection on the year that has passed, as well as goal setting for the year to come. There is no better time to look back on your success and failures of the year before and set new goals for yourself in the year to come. One area that many people want to improve in the new year is mental health. Here are a few activities that may help you improve your mental health this new year.

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Landen Stacy
How to Change Your Diet for the Better in 2022

Improvement is rarely a straight-forward path. Rather, sometimes improvement feels like two steps forward for every one step back. Nevertheless, don’t let past failures in executing changes to your diet keep you from achieving your new health goals for the year 2022. Here are three tips on how you can implement a diet that is both healthier and sustainable.

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Landen Stacy
Why You Want to Keep Your Stress in Check

Nothing can ruin your health more subtly, discreetly, and completely than unchecked stress. Stress is a natural part of life, it is hard wired in our brains to help us survive, by motivating us through difficult times, and alerting us to dangers. But too much stress can lead to a lot of unnecessary health complications. A little bit of stress is useful and healthy, but too much stress is something that can cause you pretty complete damage that you don’t need to deal with. Here are three of the top reasons that you should keep your stress levels in check and try to manage and mitigate your stress levels.

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Landen Stacy
Why You Need to Work Harder for Your Health as You Get Older

Staying healthy is important, but when you are young, most people take their health for granted. As you get older you have to spend more time and energy on making yourself healthy so you can do all the things on your giant to-do list. Here are a few of the most important reasons that you should be putting your health first as you start to get a little bit older.

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Landen Stacy
Why You Should Do Yoga Before Bed

With how busy day-to-day life has gotten in recent years, it can feel like there is an overwhelming number of things you need to do. When you are racing against the clock to achieve everything you must do in a day, it can seem impossible to add an additional task. But there are a lot of benefits to picking up one habit in particular before you hit the hay: yoga. Here are a handful of reasons why you should be doing yoga before bed and what a yoga habit can do for you and your health.

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Landen Stacy
What I Hope For in the New Year

It feels vital to be a yoga instructor and studio owner right now. I’m writing this (and hopefully publishing it) before Christmas, and I started thinking about how yoga helps us all connect through the holidays and into the future.

As an instructor, I find that the classes taught before major holidays have the most impact because they set the pace for our students.

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How to Make it Easier to Deliver Your Baby

Your body goes through so many changes as it grows and prepares to deliver a baby. You have been experiencing so much for the last 9 months, and then comes the huge event that is delivering your child into the world. While the experience is often hard, not easy, there are things you can do to better help your body prepare to deliver your baby!

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Mekaila Oaks
Why Staying Hydrated is So Important for Your Health

A lot of people walk around dehydrated every day without even realizing it. Staying properly hydrated can be difficult for a lot of people. We tend to ignore signs of dehydration and don’t often focus on the benefits of proper hydration. When our bodies are dehydrated, we cannot operate at peak efficiency and may suffer other consequences.

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Landen Stacy
How to Get Back Into Yoga After Time Away

If you’ve been away from yoga for some time, you might be a little worried about taking it up again. It’s easy to worry about whether you’re out of shape or have lost the progress that you made, and then feel discouraged. No matter how long it’s been, here are a few ways to motivate yourself to get back on the mat!

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Landen Stacy