Why You Should Do Yoga Before Bed

With how busy day-to-day life has gotten in recent years, it can feel like there is an overwhelming number of things you need to do. When you are racing against the clock to achieve everything you must do in a day, it can seem impossible to add an additional task. But there are a lot of benefits to picking up one habit in particular before you hit the hay: yoga. Here are a handful of reasons why you should be doing yoga before bed and what a yoga habit can do for you and your health.

Relax and Unwind

One of the number reasons why you should be doing yoga every night before bed is that it can help you relax and unwind. Life is stressful in these times, and with the holidays coming up you may be feeling even more stressed than usual. It may seem counterintuitive to add another activity to your day to help you relax, but yoga is different. Yoga can keep you calm and relax and help you find a way to let go of the stress that you carry with you every day. If you are a stressed person, try yoga to help you relax.

Get Better Sleep

If you are like most people, then you likely struggle to fall asleep at night, tossing and turning while you wait for sleep to come to you. While you have likely considered options like reading or taking melatonin as possible fixes for your restlessness at night, you should really be considering yoga. The practice of yoga helps you slow your mind, breathe deeply, and help your body send signals to put you to sleep and keep you calm and restful. Getting better quality sleep is critical for your mental health. Make sure you give yoga a try to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and get a better night’s rest.

Stay Active

The number one thing that you can do for your health is to remain physically active. While yoga may not be the most intense form of exercise out there, it is a great way to get your body moving, stretch your muscles, and work your body. Doing yoga regularly before bed is a great habit to help you stay active and stay healthy for the long term.

Yoga is the perfect addition to your nighttime routine. While you may feel too busy for yoga before bed, the benefits are truly astounding. Consider these three benefits, and then grab your yoga mat and get in a few minutes before bed.

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Landen Stacy