How to Get Back Into Yoga After Time Away

If you’ve been away from yoga for some time, you might be a little worried about taking it up again. It’s easy to worry about whether you’re out of shape or have lost the progress that you made, and then feel discouraged. No matter how long it’s been, here are a few ways to motivate yourself to get back on the mat!

Set Goals

You may need the motivation to get started. As with any fitness workout, setting goals can give you the push you need. Make sure your goals are realistic. Depending on how long you’ve been away, you will be a bit rusty and may have forgotten some things. That’s perfectly normal.

Your first goal should be to set a time for yoga that will fit into your daily routine, and stick to it. Consistent, regular practice is important for getting the greatest benefits from yoga. Then, after your first section, you should have a good idea of what you need to work on. Keep your goals realistic and achievable.

Start Small

As you make your reentry into yoga, keep your goals and your expectations small at first. Trying to be too ambitious can result in setbacks and even injury. Begin with short sessions and simple poses and work up from there. Preparing properly will lead to a more beneficial session. Drinking water and getting enough sleep sets up the right conditions for fitness. Putting yourself in the right mental state is also essential. Clear your environment of distractions, dim the lights, and light some candles. Open your mind, focus on your breathing, and build body awareness.  

Join a Class

Joining a class may help you resume your yoga goals, especially if you’re struggling with getting started. A yoga studio gives you a space that’s physically and mentally away from the distractions in your everyday life. Other people in the class can give you encouragement and raise your spirits. The yoga studio is set up to encourage the right mindset, and it’s equipped with the props you might need. The class instructor can assist you and give you helpful advice in improving your poses and trying new ones.

Whether you practice yoga in a class or at home, it will contribute positively to your health and well-being. If you drifted away from yoga or a life event interrupted your routine, don’t hesitate to start it up again. You can experience the benefits of yoga at any time!

Read this next: Ways You Can Incorporate Yoga Principles into Your Lifestyle

Landen Stacy