Activities That Will Help You Feel Like Yourself Again

Life is full of stress, mental illness, physical injury, and many other factors that can get you down from time to time. These stressors sometimes resolve themselves quickly, but occasionally it can feel as though you are stuck with no escape. When you don’t feel like yourself, it is incredibly difficult to stay motivated in your job, relationships, and health. Finding ways to feel like yourself again are essential for you to return to your life.  


Not feeling like yourself can be a very out-of-body experience. One way to combat this feeling is by consciously using and controlling your body through exercise. Regular exercise keeps you healthy, gets your blood pumping, and releases endorphins that help you feel happier. These effects are very beneficial to your health and provide you with motivation. Additionally, mindfulness-based exercises such as yoga are great for improving mental health since these practices help you create a positive mental space and promote mental resilience.  

Physical Therapy

Strenuous exercise, physical activity that you are not used to, or even everyday tasks such as yardwork can lead to painful strains or injury to the body. If you are suffering from an injury that has limited or restricted your usual mobility in any way, you could greatly benefit from physical therapy. Physical therapy involves several activities that can help you resume your daily routine. At physical therapy, you will be placed with a trainer who will listen to your symptoms, assess your current mobility, and walk you through various exercises to help increase mobility and reduce your pain.

Spend Time with Loved Ones

When you don’t feel like yourself, it can be easy to disconnect and separate from those who love and know you best. Isolating yourself from others is extremely detrimental, though, because it only contributes to you not feeling like yourself. Reaching out to loved ones during difficult times can improve your mental health because they can remind you of what makes you special, your hobbies, and your passions.

Not feeling like yourself can be a scary and isolating feeling. However, it is important to remember that you are still yourself; there are just temporary factors that are causing you to feel this way. Remember your capabilities by taking care of your physical and mental health. When necessary, reach out to trusted professionals to help you return to your normal self.

Check out this article on how to change your diet for the better in 2022!

Landen Stacy