Factors That Might Affect Your Energy Throughout the Day

The three o’clock slump is real. You feel mentally drained and physically tired, and you just don’t want to move, let alone do something productive. This feeling could be your body trying to tell you something—you need to make positive changes in your daily routine to maintain your energy throughout the day.

When You Exercise

Many people exercise in the morning before starting their day or going to work. This gives you a boost by oxygenating your brain and muscles for your daily tasks. But if you’re experiencing an afternoon slump, you might try adding a noon or afternoon workout, even if it’s just a brisk walk or stair climb during your lunch break.

Afternoon exercise can increase your production of hormones, especially endorphins, helping elevate your mood and raise mental awareness. The fresh burst of oxygen can increase cognitive functioning and leave you energized for the rest of the day.

Your Sleep Quality

Poor sleep quality is a major cause of low energy during the day. Sleep disturbances such as trouble falling asleep, waking up during the night, and tossing and turning can leave you worn out and exhausted the next day. Take a hard look at your sleep quality and what might be affecting it, including your diet, evening routine, and sleep conditions.

Often, an old or worn-out mattress could be causing discomfort or pain that’s keeping you awake or bothering you during the day. Many newer mattresses have features that relieve pressure points. An air mattress can relieve sore pains that you might often experience after waking up.

When You Eat

It’s not always what you eat, but when you eat. If you skip breakfast or lunch, you’re not getting the energy you need to carry you through the day. You can maintain optimal energy by keeping your blood glucose levels stable and avoiding the peaks and valleys that come from skipping meals.

Breakfast is especially important because eating it literally “breaks the fast” you’ve experienced overnight. Your body’s metabolism has slowed and needs fuel to kick-start the day. High-protein foods are the best choice.

Everyone’s different, so you will need to experiment to see what works best for you. Once you find it, establish a regular routine of eating, sleeping, and exercising. You’ll find yourself with more energy that will last as long as you need it. 

Check out this article on what to keep in mind when starting a fitness routine!

Landen Stacy