Why Staying Hydrated is So Important for Your Health

A lot of people walk around dehydrated every day without even realizing it. Staying properly hydrated can be difficult for a lot of people. We tend to ignore signs of dehydration and don’t often focus on the benefits of proper hydration. When our bodies are dehydrated, we cannot operate at peak efficiency and may suffer other consequences.

Ensure Proper Organ Function

The human body is estimated to be about 60% water. When you are not properly hydrated, your body is missing the water it needs to function optimally. This includes impairment to organ functioning. When you are properly hydrated, your organs have all the water they need to function, transport nutrients and waste products, and allow for the transportation of materials between cells. If you are dehydrated, your organs cannot perform all these functions correctly or at optimal volumes for your health.

Maintain Your Oral Health

Your oral health is more important to your overall health than you might think, and water has a key role to play here too. A lot of oral health issues are caused or exacerbated by poor hydration. When you stay hydrated, you are able to produce the right quantities of saliva to help with digestion and to keep your mouth cleaner. Drinking water can also help you avoid bad breath. When you drink enough water throughout the day, you help ensure that harmful bacteria are flushed from your mouth regularly. This helps keep your breath smelling fresh and your mouth happy and healthy.

Improve Brain Function

Your brain is also mostly made of water. When you are dehydrated, your brain does not have enough water to function properly. If you have ever received the advice to drink more water to relieve a headache, there are some good reasons to follow it. When you are properly hydrated your reaction times and cognition are boosted, giving you a mental advantage over the dehydrated. If you are struggling with focus, attention, feeling foggy, headaches, or other minor mental impairments, it may be because you aren’t drinking enough water. Try to increase your water intake and stay hydrated to keep your brain in tip top shape.

Hydration is one of the most undervalued aspects of health. That’s a problem because your hydration levels are one of the most important factors to your day-to-day health. When you are properly hydrated you protect general organ function, your oral health, and your brain. Feeling thirsty? Go get a drink.

Need some help staying hydrated? We’ve got you covered with our Emerald Water Bottle!

Landen Stacy