How to Make it Easier to Deliver Your Baby

Your body goes through so many changes as it grows and prepares to deliver a baby. You have been experiencing so much for the last 9 months, and then comes the huge event that is delivering your child into the world. While the experience is often hard, not easy, there are things you can do to better help your body prepare to deliver your baby!

Do Yoga

Yoga is a safe and effective type of exercise you can do during your pregnancy, and it has many benefits when it comes time to deliver your baby. When practicing yoga, you learn how to breathe. Your breathing is essential for oxygen flow to you and your baby, managing pain, increasing relaxation, and reducing stress. Yoga is shown to help shorten labor, lower pain intensity, and lessen chances of being induced or having a c-section. Yoga also teaches you to be in tune with your body, which can help you lessen your chances for vaginal tearing by knowing when it is time to push.

Adjust Your Spine

Chiropractic care can adjust your spine and joints, which can become misaligned during pregnancy. This helps you reduce aches and pains that come with your pregnancy. A chiropractor can also help to realign your pelvis and get all your birthing organs and nervous system working together. This will be essential when it comes time to deliver, because optimal nerve function is important in controlling contractions and dilating your cervix. Chiropractic adjustments help to relax the pelvic floor muscles and help your baby get into proper positioning.

Stay or Get Fit

Being fit will make it easier to deliver your baby. Even if you haven’t been active before pregnancy it isn’t too late to start, but the earlier you start the better. Exercise helps you to have a healthy pregnancy and keep the baby healthy. Exercise will help you improve your endurance, which then helps you during labor and lessen your chances for needing medical interventions. Walking, resistance training, swimming, and yoga are all great forms of exercise. Make sure to consult with your doctor on your specific situation.

Doing yoga, adjusting your spine, and getting or staying as fit as possible are important methods to make your delivery easier. When you do these things, you are getting your muscles, your body, and your mind ready for bringing new life into the world. This won't necessarily make the delivery a breeze, but it will help to make it easier!

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Mekaila Oaks