You Won't Be Good at Everything in Yoga and That Is Okay!

When you first start practicing yoga, it is easy to feel like you are not good at it. You might be looking around the room at all the people who seem to be doing the poses perfectly and wonder why you can't do that too. The truth is, nobody is perfect at yoga and everyone has to start somewhere.

Here are three reasons why it is okay that you are not good at everything in yoga.

1. You Will Improve with Time

The first reason why it is okay that you are not good at everything in yoga is because you will improve with time. Just like with anything else in life, the more you practice, the better you will become. So, don't get discouraged if you can't do a pose perfectly the first time (or even the hundredth time). Keep practicing and someday you will get there.

2. Some Poses Are More Difficult Than Others

The second reason why it is okay that you are not good at everything in yoga is because some poses are more difficult than others. There are some yoga poses that just require a lot of strength or flexibility (or both) that some people simply don't have. That's okay! Everybody is different and there is no shame in not being able to do a certain pose.

3. It's Not Supposed to Be Perfect

The third and final reason why it is okay that you are not good at everything in yoga is because it's not supposed to be perfect. Yoga is supposed to be a time for relaxation and de-stressing, not a time to beat yourself up because you can't do a headstand like the person next to you. Remember, perfection is not the goal—connection to your mind, body, and soul is.

If you find yourself struggling with yoga, just remember that everyone was once in your shoes and that it takes time and practice to get better. Some poses will always be more difficult than others, but that's okay! And finally, remember that yoga is not about being perfect—it's about finding peace within yourself. So, take a deep breath and enjoy the journey!

Landen Stacy