Where You Truly Belong: Emerald Yoga Studio

I’ve been reflecting on what makes Emerald Yoga Studio so special, and I want to share something that’s close to my heart.

There was a time when I felt alienated in yoga spaces. Even though I loved yoga and knew how much it helped my mental health, I often felt like I didn’t belong. I’d show up hoping to find connection, but instead, I felt invisible. It hurt because all I really wanted was to be part of a community that truly understood me, where I could be valued for who I was—not for how "good" I was at yoga or how I looked walking through the door.

Those experiences left a mark on me, and they're the reason why we do things the way we do at Emerald Yoga Studio. From the very beginning, I knew I needed to create a different kind of space—a space where no one ever feels the way I did. We want you to feel welcome from the moment you step in, to know you’re in a place where you belong, no matter where you come from or what your experience is.

Yoga has the power to heal, to grow, and to bring peace, and every single one of you deserves to feel that—to feel like you matter. That’s why we put so much care into the details that make Emerald Yoga Studio more than just a studio. We remember your name because you’re not just another person in class; you’re part of this family. We send personal cards and shout out your birthday because you deserve to be celebrated for being you. Our Wall of Fame isn’t just for fun—it’s our way of telling you, “You are seen. You belong here.”

We also focus on creating an inclusive, accessible environment on the mat because I know what it feels like to feel out of place. It’s why we emphasize using props, offering modifications, and encouraging variations in every class. We want you to have something to do on your mat, even if it’s different from the person next to you—because your practice is yours, and it’s rooted in self-love. And if you don’t want hands-on adjustments, that’s why we offer consent chips—so you’re always in control. We’ve created this space to be your sanctuary, a place where you feel safe and supported.

Helen and I talk about this often—that everything we do is with the intention of making everyone feel important, like they’re part of something bigger. We want anyone who doesn’t have a close circle to feel like they’ve found a family here. We want this to be the place where you’re lifted up and reminded that you are enough, just as you are.

Yoga is about so much more than the poses. It’s about connection, and that connection is at the heart of everything we do at Emerald. I’ve experienced what it’s like to long for a sense of belonging, and because of that, I’m committed to making sure that every time you step into our space, you know that you’re home. You’re not just part of this studio—you’re part of this family.

Thank you for trusting us with your practice, for showing up, and for bringing your beautiful energy into this space. You are valued, you are special, and you are so very loved—always.