Extra Ways to Feel Beautiful and Grow Your Confidence

The journey to self-acceptance is not one where you can take a low effort approach. Instead, you need to continuously work until you are at a place where you feel beautiful because of your confidence growth. This is best accomplished by following a few simple steps that you can incorporate into your daily routine.

Identify What You Like About Yourself

Positive thinking is vital to your inner and outer beauty. For this reason, you need to think regularly about what you like about yourself. You can either start with your personality traits or your physical traits. Regardless of where you start, you should list out what you like about yourself in all aspects of your life. This will help you see that you have valuable traits in more than one aspect of your life, making your beauty multidimensional. It might be more effective for you to write down these traits instead of just thinking about them in your head. This way, you can revisit your list often and may even recite them as positive affirmations.

Have a Spa Day

It is important to take time to pamper yourself every once in a while. You can do this by having a spa day. The nice part about enjoying a spa day is that you can customize your experience to fit your needs. For example, if all you need for a spa day is a hot bath, that is all you need to do. But if you want a more traditional experience, you can always visit a spa where professionals can give you the proper treatment you deserve. This can take some of the pressure away from planning a day as well because the spa will just take care of you. A spa day can also be a great way to escape from technology and other stresses of your everyday life.

Get Your Hair Done

Sometimes all you need to do in order to have a confidence boost is to switch up your look. The easiest way to do this is by getting your hair done. While this can give you a new look, it will not permanently change your hair. This makes it a special occasion because it is not done every day. It is also a good option because it has a lower level of commitment. Depending on what kind of salon you go to, it can be a relatively inexpensive way to relax while you sit in a chair and someone else styles your hair. This is also a good option if you need to have a boost of confidence before an important job interview or presentation at work.

Wear New Wardrobe Items

To go along with a new hairdo, you can also change up your wardrobe. If your clothing does not enhance your confidence, you need to get rid of it. Clothing should serve you instead of the other way around. A new wardrobe is a great way to refresh your look with pieces that you feel confident in. If there is anything in your closet that you have not worn in a while because you have lacked the confidence to wear it, you should wear it again. When you are refreshing your wardrobe, you should focus on some staple pieces like a denim skirt. You can look both casual and stylish in a denim skirt.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Most often, negative influences can come from all around you. Instead, you should improve your confidence by surrounding yourself with people and things that build you up. This is why it is so important to have good friends instead of friends who will tear you down based on how you look or how you act. You should also avoid damaging media influences, like those that you see online that make you think that you do not fit the standard of beauty. Instead, you should seek out the positive influences online that teach you about self-acceptance and healthy improvement. This will help rewrite the negative thoughts in your head.


When you move your body and get active regularly, it can largely improve your mood. A better mood can help you feel more confident overall. This happens not only because of the endorphins that exercise releases, but also because your body will feel more fit over time. Exercise typically also includes setting a lot of goals. Once you accomplish your goals, you will also grow your confidence because you will see that you can accomplish hard things. Exercise is almost as much mental as it is physical as a result of the goals and stamina needed. You should try to exercise 3-5 times a week at least.

Detoxify Your Life

Similar to surrounding yourself with positivity, you also need to get rid of any negativity in your life. Sometimes it can be difficult to let go of things or people that are hurting your confidence. However, one you remove darkness from your life, you are able to let more light shine on aspects of your life that you are confident about. Still, it is equally as difficult to keep negative out as it is to remove it. As a result, detoxifying your life can take a constant diligent effort.

Visit a Professional

In some cases, you might have a difficult time finding reasons to be confident in your life. Maybe you have faced a lot of rejection or loss. Or maybe you have a naturally low confidence level. Whatever the reason may be, you might benefit from talking to a professional like a counselor, therapist, or life coach. They can help you by giving you exercises to retrain your brain to think more positively about yourself and talk back to the negative thoughts in your brain. If needed, they can also help you with medication to aid imbalances in your brain chemistry.

Once you understand the map to increased confidence and beauty, you will be able to maintain a healthy level of self esteem on your own. All you have to do is start putting yourself first.

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Landen Stacy