What You Can Do to Improve Your Alertness Throughout the Day

If you find yourself zoning out or dozing off during your afternoon meetings every day, it might be time to reconsider your daily habits. The things you do every day can give you more energy, or leave you tired and groggy. Take time to develop habits that will set you up for success.

Eat Breakfast

What you eat for breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. This is the first fuel you’re giving your body. If it’s full of healthy vitamins, your body will have plenty of fuel to keep you energized. If you eat processed, sugary foods, your body will not have adequate fuel to keep you alert. Make sure your breakfast includes healthy fats, carbs, and protein. One great, versatile option is oatmeal. Oats have protein and healthy carbs, and you can add any mix of healthy toppings to complete the meal. Nuts or nut butters provide healthy fats. Fruit has fiber and is full of vitamins. Because oatmeal is so full of healthy carbohydrates, you will stay full and satisfied for longer.

Evaluate How You Sleep

Sleep is critical to your body’s energy. The time you sleep is when your body has time to rest and recover. If you’re not sleeping well, your body doesn’t have the energy capacity to function properly. Take stock of your sleep quality. Maybe you need a new nighttime routine, or it could be time to invest in a new mattress. Air mattresses offer relief from bedsores so you can sleep more comfortably. If you prioritize the quality of your sleep, you’ll find you wake up with much more energy. The better sleep you get, the more you’ll be able to be alert and attentive during your work and other activities.

Incorporate Yoga

Beginning your day with a yoga practice has been shown to improve alertness. Yoga allows your body to ease into movement for the day. Yoga encourages mindfulness and focus, which begins your day on a high note. Moving your body in the morning gives you a spike of energy that you’ll carry with you throughout your day. It sets the tone for the rest of your day, and it doesn’t have to be intensive. Try incorporating a few minutes of mindful stretching, or some sun salutations into your morning routine. It will help you be more alert during the day, and help you sleep better at night.

Low energy is a common struggle among adults today. Sometimes it can feel impossible to stay awake and alert enough to complete your daily activities. However, if you’re finding yourself dozing off more often than not, it might be time for a change. Re-evaluate your habits and activities to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success.

Read this next: How to Build a Nutrient-Rich Diet into Your Life

Landen Stacy