The Benefits of Meditation on Mental Health and How Crystals Can Aid the Practice

The Benefits of Meditation on Mental Health and How Crystals Can Aid the Practice

Did you know that people who meditate every day are happier and healthier than those who haven't adopted this habit? 

Did you know that those who meditate need fewer hours to sleep because their mental structure regenerates and relaxes during profound meditation? 

In addition to that, meditation practitioners have better mental and emotional health and struggle less with stress, anxiety, depression, anger, fear, phobias, or panic attacks.

An ancient practice backed up with science

Scientific measurement and evaluation tests have shown that the brains of those who practice meditation regularly function better because of the changes in brainwave activity. 

In addition to that, meditation increases the serotonin level and enhances communication between the two hemispheres of the brain, thus conferring a state of serenity and inner balance.

How can crystal aid in your meditation practice?

Although it seems simple to meditate, there are a few key factors - vitality, mental focus, relaxation - that ensure the success of your meditation practice.

Crystals are excellent tools to help you prepare for meditation, as their vibrations facilitate a connection with universal energies, balance your emotions, and set your mind at ease. 

Figuring out what crystals work for you is an essential step. There are many crystals to choose from; try out some of the following ones or see what crystals attract you the most:

Celestite, Angelite, Selenite, Moldavite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Nuummite, White Chalcedony, Howlite, Lemuarian Quartz.

Meditation with crystals

If you have just bought a crystal, it's essential to cleanse of physical and energetic impurities before using it for meditation. If you have never practiced meditation with crystals before, here is a simple method to start: 

  • Sit in meditation posture with closed eyes, relax and concentrate on your breathing rhythm.  Be aware of your breathing rhythm and notice how still it becomes.

  • Observe your thoughts with detachment: let them come and go; as the state of calm and relaxation deepens, your mind chatter will quiet. Try to be attentive and don't get caught up in the flow of your thoughts, increase periods of mental tranquillity as much as possible. 

  • Hold your chosen crystal in your left palm and focus your attention on it. Set the intention to create a connection with your crystal and open yourself to its vibration. 

The connection you create with your crystal brings a sense of tranquillity and enhanced awareness that will help you experience deep meditative states.

About the author:

Xenia Mateiu is the founder co-owner of the Village Rock Shop. In this small shop, customers can find handcrafted gemstone jewelry and crystals from all over the world. Xenia invests a lot of time and energy in her webshop as well, as she wants to share her knowledge about crystals and make these fascinating stones accessible to others. 

She is passionate about Ayurveda and meditation, collaborates with yoga studios, and organizes spiritual events and art expositions in her shop.

Xenia Mateiu