How to Feel More Energy Throughout the Day

It’s a common complaint for working adults that they’re exhausted. Energy drinks and coffee can pose a temporary solution, but they ultimately lead to an energy crash. Instead of relying on these unstable energy sources, incorporate these activities into your routine to give you prolonged energy.

Do Yoga

Yoga isn’t just about stretching your body. Yoga practices force you to be in the moment, while doing different stretches and poses. Especially if you sit for most of the day at work, incorporating yoga into your routine can get your blood pumping. Yoga also helps alleviate the pressure on your spine from sitting all day. In yogic terms, yoga focuses on aligning the breath and the body to bring “prana,” also known as “life power” back into the body. In other words, the entire point of yoga is to energize the body, mind, and spirit. Doing yoga every day can boost alertness, and give you more energy.

Get Better Sleep

Your quality of sleep is the number one predictor of your energy levels. If you don’t get an adequate amount of sleep, your body is unable to perform its basic functions. Prioritize getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night to have more energy. However, how you sleep is just as important as when you sleep. If you spend 8 hours in bed, but you’re tossing and turning, you’re not getting good quality sleep. Creating a relaxing evening routine can help you sleep better. Relaxing activities such as reading before bed can help improve your sleep. You can also try a cup of herbal tea, and logging off screens an hour before you want to go to sleep. If you make good sleep a priority, you’ll have more energy.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Your parents and teachers weren’t lying when they said breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The food you choose to start your day is the first fuel you’re giving your body. Make sure you’re eating foods that give you energy. A mix of proteins, carbs, and fats are the perfect combo to start your day off right. However, make sure they’re coming from whole, unprocessed foods. Incorporate healthy fats like nuts or avocado. Protein from eggs or yogurt, and carbs from fruit and vegetables are a healthy way you can get all the nutrition necessary to have energy for the day. 

It’s a common ailment to feel tired at the end of the day. However, if you feel like you never have enough energy, it might be time to start some new habits. Taking care of your body and prioritizing your health can give your body the healthy energy you need to thrive.

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Landen Stacy