5 Ways to Find Happiness Through Yoga

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Yoga is the only form of discipline that is a physical, mental, and spiritual exercise. Of course, you may use yoga to lose weight and find your love. But first, practicing yoga is a way to find inner peace and happiness. Originated in ancient India, many famous books and personalities mention its benefits. So while many of us are complaining, many people live with the knowledge of how to be happy. How? By practicing yoga. An exercise that you can do at home without spending a dime. Follow the article for all the tips for practicing yoga and the secret to finding happiness. 

Benefits of Practicing Yoga

Practicing yoga every day comes with its set of advantages for you. It is why philosophers across the world believe in the exercise for inner peace and eternal happiness. Here is the list of benefits of practicing yoga that you should know before going ahead so that it acts as a motivator:

1. It increases strength, flexibility, and a sense of balance.

2. It can release muscle and bone pain- for example, in the lower back, arthritis, etc.

3. It is good for the health of the heart.

4. It improves sleep.

5. It can uplift mood.

6. It increases energy, focus, and productivity.

7. It helps in managing stress and anxiety.

8. It encourages understanding the importance of self-care.

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Guidelines for Practicing Yoga

Although practicing yoga has many benefits, but being a physical activity that has an immense effect not just on your body but the mind as well makes it come with guidelines. Doing yoga poses the wrong way; besides, being fruitless can also hurt your body. Hence following guidelines is a must for yoga practitioners, especially beginners in practice.

  •   Yoga requires a clean mind to begin with, which you can prepare by practicing yoga in a clean surrounding.

  • Practicing yoga is not just about challenging poses but meditation and breathing coordination. Hence, one must take coaching even if it is online for the best start.

  • Do not start with complicated poses. Practicing yoga has gradual levels for beginners, intermediate, and experts.

  • Practicing yoga is a discipline for mental, spiritual, and physical wellbeing and not a shortcut to weight loss. It does not tire you but makes you feel elevated and relaxed. So if you are feeling the opposite, stop right there and get help.

  • Yoga always begins and ends with deep meditation, relaxation, and silence. Do not try to do it with loud music, somewhat similar to a gym.

  • Food and bath not to be taken within 20-30 minutes of practicing yoga before and after the session.

  • Also, having lemon and honey with lukewarm water after practicing yoga can avoid fatigue.


How To Start Practicing Yoga To Find Inner Peace & Happiness?

Yoga is an orthodox discipline to treat your body from mental, physical, and spiritual illnesses. It requires education, training, and daily practice to find the secret to happiness. Hence, building it into a habit with the correct gradual growth in intensity needs tips. Here are the five ways of finding happiness through the ancient art form:

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1. Start Slow But Meditate Daily

The very first stage of practicing yoga requires the training of doing meditation correctly and correcting postures. Happiness doesn’t come in a day; it requires perseverance of discipline. Because building a tough habit can be difficult, always start slow. For example, try doing meditation every day before and after sleep for 10 minutes in the correct posture.

Try- Anulom Vilom, Bhramari, Kapal Bhati

2. Discipline Yourself Like You Would Do Your Child

Before getting to stage two of practicing yoga poses, first, discipline yourself by making it a habit. Make it a daily routine to meditate and practice yoga early morning and before sleeping.

Try- Surya Namaskar every day early in the morning.

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3. Get A Coach

Getting a coach is easy online. There are free YouTube videos available online and even paid subscriptions on popular apps to help you learn the discipline correctly. Especially the breathing techniques for each pose and the rhythm.

4. Practice Before Sleep

Practicing yoga for mental wellbeing and relaxation helps induce sleep. Doing it before sleeping can help reduce anxiety, peaceful sleep, and lift mood the following day.

Try- Balasana, Viparita Karani, Uttanasana, Setubandhasana, Savasana, Sirsasana.

 5. Begin with Addressing Your Problems

Find out all the problems your body has currently. Mental or physical, write it down and learn poses to address them. Getting relief from your problems will act as a motivator and help make practicing yoga a habit.

Try- Bharadwaja’s Twist, Cat-Cow Pose, Bow Pose, Dolphin, and Downward Facing Pose for back pain.


The thing is, life is full of problems. The real difference lies in the capacity of people to deal with them and finding happiness no matter what. The very importance of practicing yoga lies in its power of finding joy and peace in chaos. Comment and share with fellow yogis, which benefit of yoga will benefit you the most and lead you towards happiness?

Authors bio:

Rebecca Shinn is a freelance writer for hookup sites and dating and relationship expert with a psychology degree. Her field of expertise is relationship, dating, and marriage. The important part of Rebecca’s practice is to help couples with communication skills, problem-solving skills, stress management, or financial skills. 

Rebecca started writing 2 years ago to inspire and help people to have a better dating life, healthy relationships, or find a way to keep a marriage strong for long years.

With all said above, Rebecca is proud to be a mother and a wife so she doesn't only use her knowledge for helping others but keeping her family strong and happy.

Rebecca Shinn