What People Often Forget When Setting Fitness Goals

The most commonly set goals are fitness goals. Almost everyone wants to improve their health and fitness level, but doing so can be a massive undertaking. When your emotion is high at the onset of any fitness goal, you can ride high for a time on those feelings of determination, motivation, and high energy that typically accompany a fresh start. However, as time goes on, it is easy to derail as those powerful emotions begin to settle down. Here are three things to remember when you are setting fitness goals. 

It’s OK to Fail

While fitness goals are among the most common to set, they are also some of the quickest to fail. Often, this is because of a perfectionist mindset. People set goals that are nearly impossible to achieve. As soon as they inevitably don’t meet a goal, they tend to feel that they have failed entirely. Once this happens, dejection sets in, and they are derailed. You can avoid this by setting achievable, measurable goals and giving yourself grace when you experience setbacks. It’s ok to fail, and you most likely will. Just be sure that you never stop getting up and trying again. 

Mental Health

It is important to set goals from a place of mental strength. Poor mental health can begin to interfere with your goals. Sometimes, people get the process backward. They think that they can fix their mental health by setting fitness goals. Usually, however, you need to address your mental health issues before you can make significant progress with your fitness goals. If you have been struggling with mental health concerns, get the help you need. See your doctor and look for a qualified therapist to begin the important journey toward healing.

Small and Steady

We are all more powerful and capable in our imagination than we are in reality. We think that we should be able to go from zero to 100 without skipping a beat. While healthy optimism is vital in any goal-setting, it is important to learn that small, incremental changes are usually more sustainable and effective over time. Pick one small change and start there.

It can sometimes feel impossible to change. However, when you look back on your life, you can see areas where you have improved. Change is possible, you just have to approach it with wisdom and grace. Don’t let setbacks throw you off course for good, take care of your mental health, and make small changes over time. You will be amazed at how much you have improved the next time you look back over your life!
Check out this article on health trends that may help in your wellness routine!

Landen Stacy