The Benefits of Doing Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercise is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body. Plus there are lots of ways to achieve it, as cardio is any kind of exercise that keeps your heart pumping and raises your heart rate. Incorporating this type of movement into your daily routine can vastly improve your overall health, particularly in these three ways!

Increase Your Energy

Cardio exercise helps increase your energy levels in a very holistic sense. For starters, when you perform cardio exercise, your body releases hormones that help you to feel more energized. Exercising also helps pump more oxygen through the body, allowing your body to use its energy better. However, exercise also increases energy because of its benefits regarding sleep. Exercise has been shown to make you sleep better. Exerting your body during the day makes you more tired at night, and leads to an easier time falling asleep. Studies have also shown that people who suffer from insomnia noticed a difference in their sleep after incorporating exercise into their routine.

Improve Your Heart Health

Cardio exercise is called such because of its well known benefits associated with the cardiovascular system. When you exercise in this way, you’re strengthening your heart and allowing the blood to move more easily through your body. Cardio exercise has also been shown to greatly lower your risk of heart disease and lower unhealthy cholesterol levels. Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. Keeping your heart healthy through regular cardio exercise helps you stay healthy in the most important way. Your heart health is the most critical aspect of your overall health.

Improve Your Mental Health

Your physical health isn’t the only part of your health that benefits from cardio exercise, however. Incorporating regular cardio exercise into your routine can also improve your mental health. When you exercise, your body releases hormones called endorphins. These hormones are natural painkillers and promote feelings of happiness. These are one of the reasons that cardio exercise has been shown to be a natural, non-invasive treatment for mental health issues like depression and anxiety. It’s not a quick-fix, but incorporating cardio exercise into your routine can help your mental health issues become more manageable.

Cardio exercise is anything that gets your heart beating and muscles moving. The benefits that accompany this type of exercise are overwhelming. Find the type of cardio exercise that is fun for you. Whether it’s a spin class, or dancing, or running, incorporating cardio exercise helps you live a longer, healthier life.

Read this next: How to Feel More Energy Throughout the Day

Landen Stacy