Support Small, Support Emerald Yoga Studio
As we head into our third month of safe in place orders and we start to see guidelines lifted I want to provide you with some important reminders to ease your worries about the studio.
- We will not be returning to in-studio classes until it is safe to do so. Whether that is in phase 1 or 4, the safety and health of you all is my main priority in determining when to move back into our in-person classes.There are many factors that play into this including the health risks that are involved with mask wearing and exercise.
- There may be some potential for outdoor classes that I am actively looking into. We have a beautiful field behind the studio that I would love to utilize for this if the ability to host outdoors becomes available.
- For now we are going to continue to offer online classes to keep you happy and healthy. We may even continue to offer them once we transition back into studio life but there are some technical hoops to jump through before I can confirm that plan.
- I appreciate your support of the studio. I know you and I want Emerald to stay afloat during this pandemic so that we are able to continue to serve you all for many many years to come. It's very important to continue to support small businesses during this time.
Here are the Top 3 Ways you can Support Emerald Yoga Studio right now:
1. Buy a Jewel Membership/Keep your current membership active- This is our highest tier of membership. There is value in becoming a member here. A monthly membership translates to a commitment of your own self-care and health goals. You receive access to exclusive 24/7 yoga on demand in addition to our live-stream classes.
Learn More About the Jewel Membership Here.
2. Make a DONATION directly to Emerald- You can choose ANY amount by adding the donation amounts together in our retail store. Alternatively, buy a gift card!
Donate Here
3. *Our Newest Support Option* Buy a Membership for a Frontline Worker- We have provided FREE Virtual Yoga to frontline workers at 11 hospitals in Massachusetts. We will still continue to offer this free of charge to those who need to relax and unwind. If you'd like to donate and support this mission please purchase a 1 month membership that will be directly donated to those in need.
Donate Yoga to a Frontline Worker
Thank you all and remember to tell your friends about Emerald Yoga Studio!