My Holy Fire Reiki Healing Meditation Experience

Hey everyone-

I wanted to switch up the format of the blog for today because I felt called upon to share my own experience. Whenever someone looks at our events list and asks me what an event is, I can usually paraphrase the event description enough to explain what is going to happen, where, and what time. That's all fine and well, but I realized I am doing a HUGE disservice to you by not sharing the actual experiences that happen inside some of these classes and events. I am not going to share names to protect those who attend in privacy of course.

(Though if you have had an amazing class/attended an event and want to write and share about it, please get in touch, I love hearing others experiences) I had a particularly long week this week. I kept saying to myself "It is the daylight savings time, it throws everything off!" "It's mercury retrograde! The pressure is making it hard to think" "The moon!" These are my usual excuses. It's something GREATER than me that is affecting my productivity and exhaustion levels. I worked through nearly my entire day today, trying to keep. pushing. forward. Even though I was clearly lacking the motivation and energy. I came to the front of the class to sign-in before the 3 classes today. Then I would retreat into my office to continue to work. So when it came time for the fourth check-in of the day, I was going to sign-in and sign myself out. Something told me, the work will be there when you're done. Just go ahead and stay. It's not easy for me to say no to work. I have a bit of a problem with the word "No" and I hold myself to very high standards. I don't go to bed until I feel like the work from that day is "done". My nana actually told me a story recently about when I was a child. I would always find a job that needed to be done and take it very seriously. Anyway, I decided to stay for the class because I had a I hoped this would recharge the batteries enough to get me to the weekend. I pulled my mat off the wall, grabbed a blanket, and found a spot on the floor. The first part of the meditation was a little exercise visualizing a triad or triangle. The funny thing is before Lee Ann said the color of this stage, I could sense the vibrant color of yellow. We imagined looking down at the corners of the triangle and seeing different words that corresponded with feelings. I visualized myself looking down at the edge of my triangle and before she could say the word that actually corresponded with this exercise, a word came to my own mind: "Confidence". We sat and moved through the rest of the exercise imagining the feelings in the body for certainty, capability, and happiness. Then visualizing them joined together by our higher power that allows us to have trust. These images are so clear inside of my head when I am meditating. It's as if I am actually looking around in a virtual reality video game, and can see myself as I look down, look up, and have the entire scene laid out for me. I am actually fairly certain that while Lee Ann is speaking I was looking around through my "meditation goggles" at my virtual reality scene in front of me. After a few moments the meditation ends and we are instructed to lie down for the reiki healing meditation. This is the good stuff. If you're feeling 'off' in anyway, you need to attend. She reads a script and sets the scene for us to drift into our relaxation state. While I am there my mind wanders a little bit. I know you're probably thinking, really even after all that yoga and meditation, your mind still drifts away? Yes. I use my breath like a compass that guides me back into my relaxation. Lee Ann gently tip toes around the room performing reiki healing on each individual. As she is moving through each person I could feel waves of energy filling the room. Energy is a sort of a funny force. It extends beyond our physical bodies and we can be left with others energies if we aren't careful. Luckily, the energy that is filling the room is positive. Once she gets to me I feel her gently rest her hands on my head. The color purple pops into the space behind my eyelids. There isn't a question of the color, it's clear as day. I see the color swirl around a little bit as I breath through it. The crown chakra. Located at the top of the head, it gives us access to higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond our personal preoccupations and visions. The energy shifts as Lee Ann starts to clear the "muck" that I am certain I have accumulated that is causing my brain fog and exhaustion. The color green takes over the space behind my eyelids. The heart chakra. Located at the center of the chest, it colors our life with compassion, love, and beauty.

I start to feel the balance between my heart and my head. And my spine starts to tingle just a little bit as my chakras or "energy centers" start spinning in their correct direction. Lee Ann moves on to another person...and another... as I am able to relax into the sense of relief that I feel. She picks up her singing bowl and plays the vibrational sound around each of us to close the practice. We shift around a little bit to get the last nooks and crannies of energy out before ending our class. We roll over. Press ourselves up. And Lee Ann Arbia is a Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master and Teacher as well  as student of A Course in Mastering Alchemy, and a certified Angel Messenger. 

Lee Ann has been studying holistic healing practices for over 30 years. She is passionate about her energy work and insists that helping others is her life work! Please visit Lee Ann at;

contact her at or call 781-775-1826 If you're interested in attending our next Holy Fire Reiki Healing Meditation please join us on Thursday November 14th at 7pm. This event is free but donations are greatly appreciated.

Landen Stacy