How to Get Motivated to Stay Physically Fit

If you're like most people who exercise, you find your motivation to stay physically fit tends to lessen over time. You get sidetracked by work or distracted by your social life, and before you know it, your regular workouts have dwindled down to once-in-a-while. To meet your fitness goals, you have to stay motivated.

Set Goals

Your fitness goals need to be specific, achievable, and measurable. First identify your overall goal, such as losing weight, increasing endurance, or building strength. Then, set smaller goals that you can achieve and measure, such as running a certain number of times per week or doing a certain number of reps.

Keep records of your workouts and chart your progress toward your goals. You can write in an exercise log in a journal or track your activity on an app. You'll stay motivated when you see what you've accomplished and how you're getting closer to your end goal.

Get Together With a Group

Exercising in a group not only improves your physical health, it also increases social connection. Knowing that others are expecting you to join them can motivate you on days when you're getting discouraged or feel like you don't want to move. Your group commitment keeps you accountable for your goals.

You can join an exercise class or gather up a support group at your gym. Or, think about getting together a group of friends or neighbors to walk or run. Having people to talk to while working out can build your morale. You can also share fitness tips and learn new exercise techniques from one another.

Reward Your Successes

Don't wait until you reach your ultimate goal to reward yourself. When you make significant progress in your short-term goals, do something nice for yourself. You may buy yourself something special, treat yourself to a spa day, or go out to dinner.

Getting a reward produces dopamine, a chemical in your brain that is associated with feelings of pleasure. When you reward yourself for reaching goals, you are linking pleasurable feelings with the activity of exercising. That will motivate you to continue the activity and reach your next goal.

Staying fit and healthy depends on developing good habits of exercising regularly. Learn to recognize when your motivation is lagging, and recommit yourself. Take a few moments to review your goals, find exercise buddies, and celebrate your success.

Check out this article on how yoga can help reduce your anxiety and depression!

Landen Stacy