Health Trends That May Help in Your Wellness Routine

Every time you open your phone and check the news, social media, or even just texts from your friends and family, you are bound to run into dozens of health trends that are popular today. Many of these trends are simply fads, without much to offer you in terms of health or wellness. But some health trends that are going around today are actually great ideas for your personal health and wellness. Consider adding these three health trends that may help in your wellness routine for a healthier, more whole you.

Digital Detoxing

The first popular health trend that may help in your wellness routine is participating in a digital detox. A digital detox is precisely what it sounds like – taking a break from your devices for a brief period of time. Giving yourself a digital detox can help you overcome addiction to your online devices and give your eyes and mind a rest from the blue light and constant stream of information that our digital devices provide. Give yourself at least three days away from your devices to see the benefits, but you can go as long as three weeks or more if you wish.


Another one of the popular health trends that may help in your wellness routine is fasting. Fasting is giving yourself a period of time without food. This is important as it gives your body's digestive system a chance to rest and can also help your body get used to utilizing stored fat for energy during periods of time without food for energy. Intermittent fasting means going without food for a few hours. It may help you to practice intermittent fasting daily, giving yourself a time window when you are allowed to eat and when you will not.


The final health trend that may actually help you with your wellness routine is using turmeric. Turmeric is a very flavorful and aromatic spice that is all the rage right now. Turmeric is growing in popularity because it offers anti-inflammatory properties to your body. Chronic inflammation is one of the leading signs and signals of serious medical issues, and it is thought that reducing your inflammation may help you stay healthier in the long term.

Health trends tend to come and go, but those that stick around stick around for a reason. Some health trends are actually quite beneficial for your overall wellness. You should consider adding these three health trends to your wellness routine.

Check out these simple steps to improve your mental health every day!

Landen Stacy